The Colors of Gold Casting

Gold is a timeless and loved metal by a lot of people around the world! It can take on various hues through the art of alloying (mixing metals). Here is a quick summary of how we achieved the gold color for our yellow, rose, and white gold.

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Israel OrmazaComment
What defines how shiny a diamond is?

The shiniest diamond in the world would generally be one that exhibits exceptional brilliance, fire, and sparkle. The sparkle of a diamond is determined by its cut, which affects how light interacts with the stone and how it is reflected back to the viewer's eye.

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Iz&Co Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds, also known as cultured diamonds, are diamonds that are created in a laboratory setting rather than being formed naturally within the Earth's crust over millions of years. Lab-grown diamonds have the same chemical composition, crystal structure, and physical properties as natural diamonds, but their creation process is accelerated in a controlled laboratory environment.

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How is Rose Gold created?

Almost all our designs have a rose gold variant, therefore it's important to share where Rose Gold actually comes from before making your purchase decision. Rose gold is made by combining pure gold with copper and sometimes silver to create a pink or rose-colored alloy.

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