How to Tell Your Partner Your Ring Size 💍

In preparation for a potential engagement, subtly communicating your ring size to your significant other can be done in a few clever ways!

Firstly, consider having an open conversation about it. If your relationship allows for such discussions, getting measured and sharing your ring size directly can eliminate any guesswork.

Another approach is to discreetly share your ring size with a close friend or family member. Since there's a good chance your partner might seek assistance from them, having the information readily available can be helpful.

And lastly, for a more indirect method, you can express interest in one of our right-hand fashion rings but claim uncertainty about your ring size. Order our free ring sizer, and when it arrives, casually measure your finger with your partner present. This may naturally lead to a conversation about ring preferences and sizes without being too overt.

Remember, the key is to keep it subtle and avoid being overly obvious about your intentions. Whether through open communication or creative strategies, making sure your partner knows your ring size can add a touch of excitement to the journey toward engagement, all the best!


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